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LED Microfinance Institution Plc.

Business Profile

LED Microfinance Institution Plc.,  is a microfinance institution    that was brought into   existence    by   a group of     15 board members, having lunched a discussion on   September 03, 2015.   The   process of     applying for the lawful license from National Bank of Cambodia, was led by Mrs. Samreth Cheng, currently CEO of LED Microfinance Institution Plc,. As a result, the institution has initially been  granted the temporary permission from NBC (National Bank of Cambodia)       to operate in Cambodia on Jan 27, 2016. Later on, after       fulfilling     the requirements and going   through the process of checking and observation from NBC, the institution has successfully been granted the official license from NBC on June 16, 2016. Currently, LED Microfinance Institution is a legal institution having the right to operate legally under the National Bank of Cambodia.

Contact Information

  • Hotline: 016 600 998
  • E-Mail:
  • Website:
  • Address: # 39, Street M02, Corner of Street M06, Toul Pongro Village, Sangkat Choam Chao I, Khan Por Senchey, Phnom Penh
  • Facebook:

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